Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I have just finished reading the end of The Captive, and I'm so surprised at some of the choices that Julian makes! I can't wait until you all have read it too, so that we can discuss it! You will be receiving your last study guide for The Captive on Thursday, September 16. That gives you four days to finish this book and answer your questions. You will need to be ready to take your last quiz over The Captive on Monday, September 20.

Your Literature HOMEWORK for the Week of September 20-24 will be to read one of the Mayan legends from the books that I have in the room, and to be able to tell the story of that legend to the class, and illustrate it with a Maya-style art piece. You will choose your legend and decide on your art piece on Monday, September 20. Once you have read your legend and know it well, your reading homework will be to read 30 minutes each night from a book of your choice (no graphic novels, please.) Don't forget that you must read every day/night including the weekends to keep that Reading Log grade up!

HOMEWORK; For the week of September 20-24

For Monday, 20th: You need to have finished reading The Captive, pages 150-174 (Chapters 37-43); answer your study questions and be ready for your last quiz over this book. You will get a legend to read today, and a project guide that will tell you what you must do to tell this legend to the class. It will involve an oral presentation and a piece of Maya-style art.

For Tuesday, 21st-Friday, 24th: You need to be reading and working on your legend project.

For Friday, 24th: You will take your spelling/vocabulary test over the words below. READING LOGS DUE. Your legend project will be due on Monday, September 27.

SPELLING/VOCABULARY for Friday, September 24 test

1. labyrinth (you must also give a definition for this word)

2. copious (you must also give a definition for this word)

3. glyph (you must also give a definition for this word)

4. peremptory (you must also give a definition for this word)

5. edifice

6. barbarian

7. grudgingly

8. fervent (you must also give a definition for this word)

9. admonition (you must also give a definition for this word)

10. fascinates

11. loathsome

12. assemblage

P.S. Hi, K and A--I hope you've read this blog post!