Sunday, September 18, 2011

LIT & HISTORY: September 19-23

Hello, 5th Graders,

I wanted to remind you with this short post that I have made a few changes in our spelling test schedule, which we discussed on Friday.

Tomorrow, (Monday), you are only responsible for the Appalachian Highlands Region with its five states: Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, and North Carolina.

Thursday, September 22, you will be responsible for the Southeastern Region: Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida.

You will need to be able to outline each of these regions, and name each state, spelling it correctly. If you can also name the capital, you will get extra credit. You should have a colored hand-out of these two regions, but you can look at last week's blog if you need to.

On Wednesday, you will be taking a test over the 5 Themes of Geography (MR. LIP) and how they applied to the plot and themes in King of the Wind.

Your Island Project is due next Monday, September 26. You will have to present your layered book and your journey map to your island. This is a major project, so please do your best!

I'll be posting new spelling words on Wednesday of this week, and giving you your new list. You won't have any reading assignments until next week when we begin The Secret Garden. Use your 30 minutes of reading each night for a book of your choice!

See you tomorrow!