Next Journal Due Date is May 10
These items will be checked
Supplementary and Complementary Angles
Steps for =, -, x, / Decimals
Dividing Fractions
Points, Lines, Rays, and Segments
Measuring Capacity
Decimal, Fraction, Percent
Bring tin cans - We will be starting our final project next week. We need soup, tomato sauce, sardine, tuna, etc. cans. Five cans = one ring pop.
Fifth Grade
Tuesday - Lesson 98 Sum of the Angles
Lesson 99 Fraction, Decimal, Percent
Lesson 100 Addition of Integers
Thursday Lesson 103 Perimeter of Complex Shapes
Lesson 106 Two Step Equations
Lesson 107 Area of Complex Shapes
Fourth Grade
Wednesday - Lesson 97 Ratios
Lesson 99 Adding and Subtracting Decimal Numbers
Lesson 100 Simplifying Decimal Numbers
Friday - Lesson 103 - Volume
Lesson 104 - Rounding Decimals to Nearest Whole
Math Websites -
Perimeter and Area
Ratio Race
Factor Feeder
Meteor Multiplication
Multiples Blaster
Wonderputt Angles
Dress Up Math
Speedboat Negative Numbers
Volume Shapes Shoot
Monday, April 29, 2013
Saturday, April 27, 2013
LIT & HISTORY Week of April 26-May 3, 2013
Hello, Students!
This is the week some of you have been waiting for! This week, we begin the study of the Revolutionary War by analyzing the things the British did that made the colonists want to overthrow that government and become INDEPENDENT! And to help us picture these events, we get to read a great novel of American historical fiction, Johnny Tremain!
I will be giving you a reading guide so that you can keep up with your reading assignments (1 LONG chapter each night), your reading charts, and your book report research.
You will also be creating a layered timeline book about the Causes of the Revolutionary War. These next three weeks will be FAST and FURIOUS, but FUN: F to the 3rd Power!
Your assignment chart for this week, and your handouts are below if you find you need to access them here on the blog. Your spelling/vocabulary words are listed below. Your test will be Monday, May 6.
This week on Friday, we will be celebrating Cinco de Mayo, so wear something festive!
See you on Monday!
Assignment chart for week
Johnny Tremain introduction
Characters from Johnny Tremain
Johnny's Head graphic chart (scroll to page 6)
ABCs Chart for Johnny Tremain
Historical Events chart, Chapters 1-5
Historical Events chart, Chapters 6-10
Study Guide for Chapters 1-6
Maps of Boston, Then and Now
Reading Log for next 2 weeks
Causes of the Revolutionary War layered book
French and Indian War primary sources for layered book
WORDS for Test on Monday, May 6: (you must be able to match
the word to its definition)
1. wharf
= a pier or boat dock
3. politely = with manners
apprentice = one who is learning a trade or skill from a master
venerable = worthy of respect
6. haughty
= someone who is full of pride and looks down on
consequence = as "a person of consequence"--someone notable
lamentable = grievous, mournful
9. belligerent = war-like, argumentative and quarrelsome
10. maimed = a deformity caused by an injury
You will only have 15 minutes at the computer, so you must work quickly.
Only the 1st person at the computer needs
to do this. Download the article that comes up when you click on the
Cause you are looking up. When
the article has been downloaded, click on it to bring it up. Then,
“Save As” to the Desktop. Then, open the
article and follow the directions below.
1st, read the article for the Cause you are researching.
2nd, take notes in order to answer the questions for your layered
3rd, choose the picture you want to copy by right clicking, copying, and pasting it into a Word Document or thumb drive.
Label your file: (Your Name) Causes Pics
Be sure that you write a caption for it as soon as
you save it so
you don't forget what the picture is!
Monday, April 22, 2013
Bible: April 22-26
Memory Verse:
He sat down, called the twelve and said to them, "Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and a servant of all." Then he took a little child and put it among them; and taking it in his arms, he said to them, "Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me, welcomes not me but the one who sent me."
Mark 9:35-37
Last week we discussed and quizzed ourselves over the information we could gather from scripture about Jesus Transfiguration. This week, we open with the scene of Jesus and his 3 disciples, Peter, James, and John coming down from that mountain and finding the other disciples in an argument.
Monday: Healing the boy with a spirit
Below is a link to the notes we took on the board today in class.
Jesus heals the boy NOTES
Friday: Triumphal Entry
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Hello! I hope you are having a relaxing and fun weekend. The weather is perfect!
This week, I will not be giving you an assignment chart, because the only day we will really have class is on Monday morning (history and literature.) We will try to learn as much as we can about the French and Indian War in the short time we have that day. Below is what we will be doing this week and some reminders! Please make every effort to get to school every day this week, and to be on time! Making up the Stanford Test is NOT FUN!
MONDAY: * Take Spelling Test--be able to use words correctly in sentences
* Study the French and Indian War
* Discuss our Expository Writing from Friday
* Hand out packets about writing your Science Fair Projects
* Bring permission slip for Park Day in the afternoon 12-2:00
* AT HOME: Study for 13 Colonies Test; Read 30 minutes each night in book of choice; Get a good night's sleep!
TUESDAY: * Eat a good breakfast: Bring a sweater or jacket/hoodie; a pillow and blanket if you want them; a book you are reading from home; DO NOT bring any electronic devices of any kind
* Stanford Testing: Mrs. Aly Barnes will pick you up from Activities Center
You will have your: Reading Vocabulary Test, Reading Comprehension Test, Social Studies Test, and Science Test
Please BE ON TIME to school--the tests begin at 8:20!
WEDNESDAY: *Eat a good breakfast!
* Stanford Testing: Miss Vicki Boyd/Mrs. Horner will pick you up from Activities Center
You will have your: Word Study Skills Test (4th Grade only); Math Problem Solving Test, Spelling Test, and Listening Test
THURSDAY: *Eat a good breakfast! Bring your 5$ for the Dr. Pepper Museum and permisison slips
* Stanford Testing: Mrs. Scott will pick you up from the Activities Center
You will have your: Math Procedures Test and Language Test
When testing is completed, we will finish the French and Indian War
FRIDAY: Treat yourself to Doughnuts!!! (just kidding!)
Today is your field trip to the Dr. Pepper Museum in Waco. Be sure you have your sack lunch, and that you have turned in your 5$ fee and your permission slip BEFORE today, please!
Your Test over the 13 Colonies is Monday, April 29! New Chart and Practice Map
No Spelling this week, no Spelling Test next week!
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Good Morning, Students!
This week, we will be finishing our study of the 13 Colonies, and you will be studying for a test over the Colonies on Monday, April 29. I know that seems a long way off, but next week, we will only have class on Monday. Tuesday-Thursday, April 23-25, you will be taking the Stanford Achievement Test. On Friday, April 26, you will be in Waco at the Dr. Pepper Museum. So, you'll get your study guide way ahead of time to prepare for this major test!
We will finish reading The Light in the Forest this week, and you'll finally have your answer--does True Son ever get to go back to live with the Lenni Lenape?
You will have a reading log due on Friday, and a quiz over the last 5 chapters of the book on Thursday. You have a spelling test tomorrow, and one more on Monday, April 22. To prepare for this spelling test, you will actually have spelling homework that will be due on Thursday.
Whew! School will be out before we know it!
Have a beautiful Sunday afternoon, and I'll see you tomorrow. Connect below to the posted handouts for the week--and you'll also get them in class tomorrow.
Assignment Chart for this week
Spelling Homework Due Thursday
Charts comparing the Colonies
Study Guide for 13 Colonies Test
13 Colonies Map for test
SPELLING & VOCABULARY for Test on Monday, April 22
For vocabulary, you must be able to:
1. Define the word as used in the sentence in
the book (or you can look it up) and,
2. Be able to use the word in a meaningful
sentence, not the same as in the book.
1. oration (p. 108) = Meaning: ____________________________________
Your sentence: ___________________________________________
remnant (p. 109) = Meaning: ____________________________________
wreathed ( p. 110) =
commotion (p. 113) =
caution (p. 117) = Meaning:
sentence: ____________________________________________
alacrity (p. 129) = Meaning:
dialect (p. 134) = Meaning:
immense (p. 136) = Meaning:
plunder (p. 137) =
Meaning: ____________________________________
pillage (p. 137) =
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Math April 15-19
New Journal Entries for Week
Classify Triangles
Fractions and Decimals as Percents
Simplifying Improper Fractions
4th Grade
Wednesday - Lesson 92 - Dividing by 2 Digit Numbers
Lesson 94 - Using Estimation when Dividing by Two Digit Numbers
Friday - Lesson 93 Comparative Graphs
Lesson 95 Reciprocals
5th Grade -
Tuesday - Lesson 94 Writing Fractions and Decimals as Percents Review
Lesson 95 Reducing Rates Before Multiplying
Thursday - Lesson 96 Graphing Functions
Lesson 97 Transversals
Classify Triangles
Fractions and Decimals as Percents
Simplifying Improper Fractions
4th Grade
Wednesday - Lesson 92 - Dividing by 2 Digit Numbers
Lesson 94 - Using Estimation when Dividing by Two Digit Numbers
Friday - Lesson 93 Comparative Graphs
Lesson 95 Reciprocals
5th Grade -
Tuesday - Lesson 94 Writing Fractions and Decimals as Percents Review
Lesson 95 Reducing Rates Before Multiplying
Thursday - Lesson 96 Graphing Functions
Lesson 97 Transversals
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Bible: April 8-12
I spoke with you all in class about us catching the fast train in our study of the Gospels so that we might end with Jesus Ascension by the end of this school year. Please be sure to come to class on time, even on special days such as Park Days or Field Trip days. We still have bible class on those mornings.
Sadly, we are going to have to skip some of the miracles and other events along the way. I want to encourage you to read the introductions on our reading cards and scriptures to the lessons we are going to have to skip over. I could spend a whole year on Jesus miracles, but we have our whole lives to read God's Word so don't let me stop you from seeking knowledge in the word on your own time!
Sadly, we are going to have to skip some of the miracles and other events along the way. I want to encourage you to read the introductions on our reading cards and scriptures to the lessons we are going to have to skip over. I could spend a whole year on Jesus miracles, but we have our whole lives to read God's Word so don't let me stop you from seeking knowledge in the word on your own time!
- That being said, we are going to finish up Jesus Sermon on the Mount this coming Monday by going over the scriptures and finding how Jesus came to explain and fulfill the law, not to destroy it. Go back and review our notes we took on Friday into our prayer journals.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Below is a great site for finding out more about the Middle and Southern Colonies!
LITERATURE & HISTORY April 8-12, 2013
Are you ready for a FULL week of school? We've been spoiled by spring break and two short weeks. Now, we have to get down to getting this year completed!
This week, you will be studying the rest of the 13 Colonies: the Middle Colonies, and the Southern Colonies. We will have a short unit on Slavery as it applied to agriculture and economics in these colonies.
You will need to be working on your Texas Legend PowerPoint at school and at home, if necessary. It is due this Friday. Friday is also Grandparent's Day, and after the concert, please invite your Grandparents up to the room to see your PowerPoint presentations of your Legends! I'm sure they'll enjoy your stories!
You have a spelling test this Monday, as well as a quiz over Chapters 4-6 from The Light in the Forest.
Your new spelling and vocabulary words for next week's test (Monday, April 15) are below. So are links to your weekly assignment chart and the few new papers I will be handing out this week.
I hope you have a blessed Sunday, and I'll see you tomorrow!
Assignment Chart for this week
Questions over Chapter 29, Benjamin Franklin
If you need charts or information on the 13 Colonies, please see last week's blog post for links.
SPELLING WORDS and VOCABULARY for TEST on Monday, April 15
1. realm = an
area ruled by a king or government
2. abiding = lasting or permanent
3. massacre = when large numbers of people are murdered
4. dispute = to argue
5. harangue = to lecture someone forcefully
6. drivel = silly
7. scurvy = a disease resulting from not enough Vitamin
8. pestilence = a
plague or disease
9. abhorrence =
extreme hatred or loathing
10. subscribe = to
sign a document; to “buy into” (as an idea, or a magazine or newspaper)
11. moccasins =
leather shoes worn by Indians
12. miasma = poisonous gas
Friday, April 5, 2013
Math April 8-12
Tin Can Math
Our end of year project will consist of creating a Volume Tin Man and/or Woman. This will all be done in class and we will begin working on these in May. Here are some sample tin men.
Mrs. Lin has been collecting large cans for me and I'm sure we will have enough of those. What I need is smaller cans like tomato paste, tuna, sardines, etc. The students will figure the volume, measurement and capacity of their final work.
Fourth/Fifth Lessons and Activities
Monday - Fifth Grade Assessment over Lessons 80-88
Fourth Grade Assessment over Lessons 80-87
Monday Journal Prompts - Introductions
Geometric Formulas
Catch up on Journal Entries - Turn in Journals Friday
Fifth grade will work on these activities on Wednesday Friday
Fourth grade will work on these activities on Tuesday, Thursday
Tuesday 5th Grade
Lesson 91 Geometric Formulas - Square, Rectangle, Parallelogram, Triangle
Lesson 92 Expanded Notation with Exponents, Powers of Fractions
Lesson 93 Classify Triangles - Review
Wednesday 4th Grade
Lesson 88 Transformations
Lesson 89 Analyzing Prisms
Lesson 90 Reducing Fractions Review
Thursday 5th Grade
Lesson 93 Classify Triangles - Review
Friday 4th Grade
Lesson 91 Simplifying Improper Fractions
Our end of year project will consist of creating a Volume Tin Man and/or Woman. This will all be done in class and we will begin working on these in May. Here are some sample tin men.

Mrs. Lin has been collecting large cans for me and I'm sure we will have enough of those. What I need is smaller cans like tomato paste, tuna, sardines, etc. The students will figure the volume, measurement and capacity of their final work.
Fourth/Fifth Lessons and Activities
Monday - Fifth Grade Assessment over Lessons 80-88
Fourth Grade Assessment over Lessons 80-87
Monday Journal Prompts - Introductions
Geometric Formulas
Catch up on Journal Entries - Turn in Journals Friday
Fifth grade will work on these activities on Wednesday Friday
Fourth grade will work on these activities on Tuesday, Thursday
Tuesday 5th Grade
Lesson 91 Geometric Formulas - Square, Rectangle, Parallelogram, Triangle
Lesson 92 Expanded Notation with Exponents, Powers of Fractions
Lesson 93 Classify Triangles - Review
Wednesday 4th Grade
Lesson 88 Transformations
Lesson 89 Analyzing Prisms
Lesson 90 Reducing Fractions Review
Thursday 5th Grade
Lesson 93 Classify Triangles - Review
Friday 4th Grade
Lesson 91 Simplifying Improper Fractions
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