Sunday, April 7, 2013

Bible: April 8-12

I spoke with you all in class about us catching the fast train in our study of the Gospels so that we might end with Jesus Ascension by the end of this school year. Please be sure to come to class on time, even on special days such as Park Days or Field Trip days. We still have bible class on those mornings.

Sadly, we are going to have to skip some of the miracles and other events along the way. I want to encourage you to read the introductions on our reading cards and scriptures to the lessons we are going to have to skip over. I could spend a whole year on Jesus miracles, but we have our whole lives to read God's Word so don't let me stop you from seeking knowledge in the word on your own time!

  • That being said, we are going to finish up Jesus Sermon on the Mount this coming Monday by going over the scriptures and finding how Jesus came to explain and fulfill the law, not to destroy it. Go back and review our notes we took on Friday into our prayer journals. 

  • Friday we will begin Jesus sending his Apostles out two by two. Come prepared with your pencils, bibles, and review who these 12 Apostles were. Ask someone if they know the difference between an Apostle and a Disciple.