Saturday, September 29, 2012

LITERATURE for Week of October 1-5, 2012

This week, we will continue reading The Secret Garden.  Don’t forget to be looking for THEMES, and for how this novel incorporates all of the Activities of Culture.  You need to have started working on your book report so that you will be able to make your oral presentation and turn it in on Monday, October 15—that’s just two more weeks.
Below are your spelling words for the next spelling/map test, and your homework assignments for this week.  

MONDAY, October 1:  Spelling/Map TEST over the Midwest Region & 5 Great Lakes
HOMEWORK:  Read Chapter 9, pages 93-105, in The Secret Garden, and follow the directions on the back of your Secret Garden Gate to draw and color  your interpretation of the inside of the secret garden.  Use the description of the secret garden on pages 93 to the middle of page 96 to draw 10 aspects of the garden.

TUESDAY, October 2:  HOMEWORK:  Read Chapter 10 (pp. 106-122) and be able to write a short biographical essay about Dickon in class tomorrow.  You will be able to write 12 words about Dickon on your handout as you read, and you can use this tomorrow when you write about this character in class.

WEDNESDAY, October 3:  HOMEWORK:  Read Chapters 11 and 12 (pp. 123-145) and fill out a handout on the similes and metaphors used in these two chapters, explaining their meaning.  What is a Missel Thrush?

THURSDAY, October 4:  Spelling/Map TEST over the Heartland Region and 3 rivers.  HOMEWORK:  Read Chapter 13 (pp. 146-164) for tomorrow, and be able to write a short biographical essay about Colin in class tomorrow.  You will be able to write 12 words about Colin on your handout as you read, and you can use this when you write about this character in class.

FRIDAY, October 5:  Reading Logs, DUE!  HOMEWORK:  Read Chapter 14 (pp, 165-180) for Tuesday.  There will be no class on Monday due to Parent/Teacher Conferences.  Write a summary of Chapter 14 and answer the questions on the handout, The Young Rajah.

SPELLING WORDS/MAP TEST on Thursday, October 4
You must locate and spell correctly
1.  Heartland Region
2.  North Dakota
3.  South Dakota
4.  Nebraska
5.  Kansas
6.  Minnesota
7.  Iowa
8.  Missouri
9.  Missouri River (trace and label)
10.  Ohio River  (trace and label)
11.  Mississippi River (trace and label)