Saturday, December 15, 2012

LIT & HISTORY for December 17-21

Welcome to our last week before our Christmas holiday, and our last week of the first semester of school!  This week’s schedule will be somewhat unpredictable,  because we have fun things to do that may take some of our class time.  On Wednesday after Chapel, we will have Jesus’s Birthday cake; on Thursday, we will be practicing for our Las Posadas processional around the school, and will finish our angel books;  on Friday, we will bake cookies, go on Las Posadas, and have our party in the library.  In between all the fun, we will be finishing our study of Treasure Island and you will be presenting your book reports, as well as finishing up with our Age of Exploration charts.  There will be no final exam this semester in either literature or history.  We’ll save that for next semester!

Parents, I do want you to know that the daily work charts that I have below, and that are posted on our blog, are only guides as to the work we HOPE to get done each day.  There have already been several times when one day’s work gets added to the following day—or even the following week, because we run out of time. I always plan more than we can accomplish, so don’t be alarmed if your child comes home saying that homework has been postponed, or that we didn’t get to something.  After over 30 years of teaching, I’ve discovered that the “best laid plans” oft need be postponed!

                                         Your schedule for the week is below.   DUE dates and TEST dates are included.

MONDAY, Dec. 17
DUE Date

Large Group Time  LGT
LIT:  Spelling/Vocabulary Test
Go over new assignments for week
Discuss Chapters 27 and 28 Treasure Island
Listen to Chapters 29 and 30 in class and fill in FtS chart
Review your book report choice and the grading rubric with Mrs. Horner
HISTORY:  Finish watching film on Magellan
Watch short film on Balboa
TEST Mon., Dec. 17

My Individual Time  MIT
1.  Read Chapter 31 Treasure Island in class, fill in FtS chart
2.  Turn in last wk’s spelling/vocabulary cursive writing papers
3.  Turn in FtS Chart for Chapters 25-27 (if you haven’t)

4.  Fill in information on Explorers chart about Balboa.  TURN IN LAYERED BOOK.
Work on book report at home!!!
1. Due Tuesday
2. Due today
3. Due today

4. Due today

Due Thursday

TUESDAY, Dec. 18
DUE Date

LIT:  Discuss Chapter 31 Treasure Island (TI)
Listen to Chapters 32 and 33 TI; fill in Follow the Story chart

HISTORY:  Divide into pairs for History work:  Mapping the Explorers; Class will work together on Mapping the Portuguese Explorers

1.  Read Chapter 34 TI;  fill out FtS chart

2.  You will be working with a partner and will have a country of explorers to map.

Work on book report at home!!!
Due Wednesday

Due today

Due Thursday

DUE Date

Chapel and Happy Birthday Jesus cake
LIT:  Discuss Chapter  34 and the end of Treasure Island

HISTORY:  Review the Maya SMERFCAPS chart that we made in October (find it!!!)
Watch History Channel film, Palenque:  Metropolis of the Maya and discuss.  Listen for 5 Themes of Geography and 9 Activities of Culture
Chap. 31-34 charts
     due today

1.  Turn in last page of FtS charts for Treasure Island

2.  Finish painting your Mayan artifact if necessary.  Create a museum-style card telling what your artifact is based on.
Work on book report at home!!!
1.  Due today

2.  Due today

Due tomorrow!!!

DUE Date

LIT:  Book Report Presentations for Treasure Island
If time permits, begin watching Muppet Treasure Island

HISTORY:  Finish Maya film if necessary
Learn song and routine for Las Posadas
No Individual Time today
All make-up or incomplete work is due today.
DON’T FORGET your Secret Santa Gift tomorrow!!!

FRIDAY, Dec. 21
DUE Date

Finish book reports if necessary

9:15  Bake and decorate sombrero cookies
10:00  Begin Las Posadas
10:30 Meet in Library to begin watch Muppet Treasure Island
11:00  Christmas Party with Piñata and gift exchange

There are no new spelling words this week, and no test until after the first week of January.

Your reading log IS DUE on Friday this week—you won’t have a chance to turn it in late.

Be sure you have all make-up or incomplete work turned in by this Thursday so that I can grade it before your grades are due on Friday afternoon.

Don’t forget to bring the gift for your classmate and your food/drink contribution for our party!

You might also want to bring a large shopping bag with handles on Friday so that you can clean out your desk, and take all your goodies home with you.

Have a Blessed Christmas &
 a Happy New Year!!!